When it comes to a wedding, there is little argument over who matters most on this day, right? This is a day for the bride. At the outset, we know that, but as the wedding gets closer and closer we seem to worry more and more about our guests. As if their needs are more important than the bride and groom’s wishes. Well, forget that nonsense. Of course, a good host cares for the guests but there comes a point when enough is enough. Here are a few things you do not need to worry about when considering your guests.
Fancy Decor
In the age of Instagram, everyone at your wedding will want that one magical shot that they can put on Instagram and say “such a beautiful wedding…”. Give them that but stop there. No one will take a picture or care about the table centerpiece so don´t waste time or money on it. No one will care whether you ornated the alter in 600 roses or 20 daises, so don’t waste time or money on it. No one will remember if there were silk or cotton covers on the seats so don’t waste time or money on it!
The Invites
You care more about your invites than any guest. Let’s be honest, invites aren’t even really required anymore. You can set up a website for free and have people tick whether they are attending or not and note any dietary requirements. So please, don’t worry about the font or perfume scent on the envelope, because we promise you, it goes in the bin soon after they receive it.

Long Wedding Speeches
I know this article is called things your guests don’t care about, but this is something all guests are passionate about. Please, please, please keep the speeches short. No one is interested in hearing a 20 minute deep dive into your groom’s college years. Choose who gives the speeches wisely. Keep them short, sweet, funny and to the point.
The Bells and Whistles
In the run up to your wedding, you will have so many amazing ideas (many stolen from Pinterest) that when it comes to the day itself each one will have created a new headache. Keep the bells and whistles of the wedding day simple. If you want to add something unique, go ahead, but keep it to a minimum so that you can enjoy your big day and not worry why the choir has been seated on top of the fireworks and the mime hasn’t said a word to anyone yet.
It is your day. Do what you want to do and do not worry about the guests. If you give them a good meal and access to alcohol, they will make it what they want it to be.