I know, I know. Your wedding is unique. Your wedding is different. Your wedding is special. Yet some things will never change. There are certain characters that appear at every wedding. Even if you know both families so well and swear you know how everyone will behave there are always those people who when the wedding shoes come on they perform. Here are 7 types of guests that are guaranteed to appear at your wedding.
The In My Day Oldie
Weddings are always a great mixture of modern life and tradition. When you choose your wedding you will decide which elements of tradition to keep and which to hold onto. My advice to you is to be bold and choose whatever you want. No matter what you choose there will be someone present of an older generation who will not be happy that you didn’t include some element or tradition from 500 years ago.
The Booze Hound
Did someone say free bar? When you say the word wedding, it likely conjures up images of romance, perfect settings, family, good times. All great things. To others, it conjures up a drinking session that starts at 2 pm and continues until you can no longer stand. Beware the boozehound at your wedding, they will drink your free bar dry and may make a fool of themselves near the end of the night. The best way to stop this hero from making a scene is to pair him with a quiet group so that he can´t let loose too early.
The Amateur DJ
You hired the band, you chose the DJ, you selected the songs, you set the mood. Everything is perfect. Until your spouse’s friend approaches the DJ booth for the fifth time requesting Cher. This one is easy to solve. Tell your DJ not to accept any requests.
The One Who Loves Kids But Clearly Doesn’t Have Kids.
Parents generally want to stay as far away from their kids at a wedding as possible. They are there to have fun. The kids will generally end up in one group playing a game or sitting bored. As time passes by you can watch and know that the group of unsuspecting kids will soon be pounced on by a woman or man who hopes to have “one of their own, one day”. They want to tell stories, to offer dances and generally hang with the kids. Don’t worry about this one, what keeps the kids busy is a blessing!
The Amateur Photographer
Your wedding is in January and uncle Mike got a new camera for Christmas. Watch out as he forces himself into every shot and even gets in the way of the pros. Can we just wait for 2 minutes while Mike figures out the wide group setting? No, Mike, we can’t. Watch out for any guests who arrive at the wedding sporting a massive camera. There is a secret contest that only they know about. It is them versus the professionals. They want you to know you wasted that money on the pro. Don’t worry about them as long as they are not getting in the way of the people you paid to take pictures, they mean no harm and may get a great pic or two. Never hire your friend as a photographer, they will complain they couldn’t enjoy the night and you will end up with photo breaks for when they decided it was time to dance.
The Predator
It may be a guy, it may be a girl. Someone at your wedding is there looking to score. Steer well clear of this train wreck as they will either make a spectacle of themselves or maybe just maybe, get lucky with the groomsmen or bridesmaid that everyone knows is recovering from a recent breakup. Put a nosey aunt or uncle in charge of minding this troublemaker.
The Past Your Bed Time Hero.
It may be someone under 12, it may be someone over 63. Actually, it could be a 25 year old. Someone will fall asleep at your wedding. Don’t be insulted, weddings just require a lot of energy and we could all do with a little naptime.
Are there are any characters you are worried about, or looking forward to? Let us know!