The brides’ two-year-old boy refused to wear a suit or kilt to her wedding. She gave in and allowed him to go to the wedding wearing a dress. Joanna Minuzzo, 39, married her husband Najee, 31, and chose not to mention her son’s name.
The boy saw the dresses his two sisters were wearing to the wedding several days before the big event. The boy then asked Minuzzo if he could wear one of his sister’s dresses, which has the face of Minnie Mouse on it. She told her son he could not wear the dress as she felt it was not socially agreeable for young boys to wear such garments. Later she questioned her response. She said she wants her three children to be free and to be who they want. She added that she is ‘guided’ by the boy.
One week prior to her wedding, she borrowed a dress from her friend in order for her boy to wear. Her husband helped his son fit into the dress. Later, Joanna was overcome with her emotion as well as humbled when she saw her husband embracing their choice of her son’s outfit.
Joanna frequently faces the questioning of people wanting to know why she allows her son to wear girl’s clothing. Some of her critics have explained to her that she is causing her son to be gay in the future by allowing him to do so. She says this is ridiculous. Joanna said the first time her son wanted to wear a dress, that part of her wanted to say he could not. However, she stopped and asked herself why. She said, “there’s no reason why he shouldn’t.” She said he is just a normal young boy who enjoys pretty clothes. Although it began as a liking for Minnie Mouse, it has extended from there.

She said she initially told him no because boys do not wear dresses. Then she wondered, why can’t he wear it? She questioned who makes these rules. Joanna said he is happy and asked herself why she was fighting it. She decided there was no reason to fight the small stuff. From this point forward, she has held onto this. She believes it is just a toddler in a dress. Joanna said he is so cute in a dress. She questioned why she was fighting him instead of just having him wear bland clothing.
One picture shows the boy likes wearing a pink girl’s hat. Another shows him in his pink dress. A third photo shows him wearing a glistening pink purse suspended from his shoulder. His mother said he now has trousers, socks, and his beautiful dress. She said, “he has no idea he is a boy.” Joanna was not concerned about peoples’ reactions to his dress. Instead, she was concerned he would trip over something because the dress was quite long.
Joanna said his dress was not hurting anyone. And the dress made him happy. That’s what really matters in a family.