If your friend is getting married, she is likely planning on it being the one and only time. This makes marriage an incredibly special occasion. While some people go all out for birthdays, Christmas, or Halloween, they happen every single year. A wedding (hopefully) will only happen once. It is for this reason that you must throw your friend a fantastic bridal shower. Read on to get some great ideas.
It may seem like there are endless reasons to celebrate and endless gifts to give. Depending on your age you may be feeling a bit sick of weddings. We all go through that stage where all of our friends are getting married and it is incredibly tough to keep enthusiastic about the next one. However, you must. For your friend it is the only wedding that matters, so if she is a close or best friend make sure you make a massive fuss for the engagement, for the hen due, for the bridal shower, and for the occasion itself.
The classic bridal shower was held in the bridesmaids home and the bride would arrive and drink with her friends before being showered with gifts. A nice and classy affair. Today though people always want something different and there are numerous ways to make the bridal shower a special occasion. The most important thing is that you consider your friend when planning the bridal shower. Is she someone who loves food, or loves makeup? Does she love fancy occasions or crazy nights out? Give her what she loves on this special day.
For those who love food, a gourmet bridal shower is a fun way to celebrate. Invite her, her friends and female family out for lunch before returning to the house and giving gifts of gourmet food items. These are the types of things that no one will ever go to the bother of buying for themselves. It may be expensive herbs like saffron or expensive olive oil. A cheeseboard and some strange cheeses are also a great option.
For that friend who loves to be pampered then a spa day is a great option. Obviously, if you choose something like this then you can’t invite a large group. This is for someone with a small group of friends who wants to have an intimate occasion. This is an important point to raise as although you want to create the perfect day for your friend you must ensure it suits all the people she would want there too. Don’t choose an expensive option and ask people to contribute hundreds of dollars, it is not always about money.
For some people the classic bridal shower approach is outdated. You can now have an open brunch where the bride and groom are celebrated together. You can then offer great gifts to the couple instead of just the bride though. Be careful with this option, most brides still want their own special day with friends.
If you are struggling for ideas then think about what a wedding means to your friend’s life. What will change forever? Think of those changes that are positive (ignore the negative) and make it a special occasion to celebrate those changes. Perhaps your friend is changing her surname and is excited to become Mrs. (insert groom’s surname here). Perhaps her husband to be is an avid sailor and she will be spending a lot more time on a boat. Whatever it is find that special thing and make it the theme of a great party. All the friends could buy her items that are monogrammed with her new initials for example.
Whatever way you choose to celebrate the bridal party, pick something that makes your friend feel incredibly special and surrounded by loved ones.